Donate / Support The Channel

If you like the videos and community I have created and would like to support me, you can do so here. Any support is greatly appreciated and helps me get better equipment and services which enables me to make better quality videos, more frequently. Thank you for your support!

Donate to the Channel

If you'd like to donate to the channel, this helps me out immensely. You can donate in a few different ways:




Bitcoin: 1AK3YFMdg9U8yYkaE1xBxAiA7ZeTNdV6Yh

Buy Me A Coffee:

Become a Member

Becoming a member of my channel offers different benefits, whether you decide to use Patreon, YouTube ot Twitch. Check them out here.


Patrons of my channel get perks and benefits, depending on the tier you choose. These include your name or alias written on the end screen of every single video, your name or alias on my car and even on the t-shirts in my merch store! You can also get early access to my scheduled videos on YouTube.

Twitch Subscriber:

Subscribe to my Twitch channel to get yourself a loyalty badge and some custom emojis to use in my live streams! If you've got Amazon Prime, you can subscribe to me for free! Learn more about this over on the Twitch Docs.

YouTube Channel Member:

Join my YouTube channel to get yourself a loyalty badge for me to better spot you in chat, custom emojis to use in my live streams and a shout out in videos when you sign up!


Another way you can support me is by getting yourself some goodies from the merch store. We have shirts, mugs, stickers, hoodies and more stuff being added all the time! Check them out!


Another way you can support me is by using my referral links when you sign up to certain services.


If you are new to iRacing and want to support me, you can sign up to iRacing using my email address as a referral. This helps me out massively with buying new cars and tracks and hosting sessions in iRacing!

Apex Racing Academy:

Get 10% off when you sign up using my link.

Apex Racing Academy Sign Up


If you want to improve your driving skills and iRating in iRacing, Driver61 is the place to go! Find out more about them on my Driver61 page. If you do sign up, use my link below. If you are asked for a coupon code at the checkout stage, you can use code d61sampsoid.

Driver61 Sign Up


Not a sim racing related product, but one I use to manage my YouTube videos. This helps me out tremendously. There are so many tools I use, like the 'channelytics', the tag rankings, the upload checklist, just to name a few. It's helped me make the videos the best they can be. It's free to install and use, there are limitations with the free account, but I would not be able to upload as many videos as I do without it.

Get TubeBuddy


I have partnered with a few different companies who offer all-things sim racing; from pedals, rims and rigs to car setups and coaching. These include Fanatec, Race Anywhere and more. Find out more over on the Partners page.